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34 ways to promote your content online: Get traffic, generate leads, and welcome more customers to your business

34 ways to promote your content online: Get traffic, generate leads, and welcome more customers to your business

Sarath | 20 Min Read

Warning: This post is unusually too big. You don’t want to read or learn everything on one go(No one will) keep this saved on your bookmark, and refer when needed.

Your primary duty is to promote your content and your business on this digital planet to your target audience.

Make sure to do the below before sketching the plan to promote your business content.

Know everything about your company.

What is the vision of your company?

What is the mission of your company?

What value do you bring to the people?

Why do you exist on this planet?

What is your brand tone/voice that is unique and real to your business?

What is the goal of your business?

What is the objective of your business?

What is your strategy in place to achieve the objective and goal?

What action plan do you need to make to attain your goal?

Do you have the right people with the proper skill set?

How are you going to bring in,

  • Control of the strategy?
  • How often am I going to review?
  • How am I going to manage the risk in this process?
  • What is my contingency planning?
  • What are the budget and the resources available for me in this strategy to grab my goal?

Every strategy, whether it is a normal awareness promotion, or sales promotion,

Entire things starts with knowing the current situation of your company,

Its goal, objective, resource, etc.

After answering everything,

I am damn sure you will have more clarity on why you are going to promote what you are going to promote?

Understand your audience.

Do you know who you are going to sell?

You must know about your buyer.

You might say, “Yeah, My buyer are those people who have a website and an E-com store.”

No, that is the wrong way.

You can promote your content better only if you dig deep into your buyer’s mind.

For that, you need to create,

  • Buyer Persona.
  • Their Buyer’s Journey.
  • Their touch points.

If you create the above things, I am again damn sure; Your promotion strategy will enjoy success.

Your suspicious brain might ask this question. Why? How are you saying it so sure?

Well, The studies and the stats say it.

  • Marketing personas made websites 2-5 times more effective and easier to use by targeted users. HubSpot
  • Using buyer personas in an email campaign improved the open rate by 2x and the clickthrough rate by 5x. MLT Creative
  • Buyers are 48% more likely to consider solution providers that personalize their marketing to address their specific business issues. ITSMA. It happens if you create a buyer persona first.
  • Persona-based content increased customer engagement almost six-fold when targeting cold leads (10% versus 58%). Boardview

(Burp !)

How was it consuming the stats? Is it convincing?


Are you ready to create a buyer persona for your business?

Resource: How to create a buyer person?

Hey, Where is he? Find the place your audience dances, laughs, and spends time.

It is all about knowing where your target audience resides.

You are sending a letter,

If you don’t know the address of your friend, for whom will you send the letter? For the post box?

Once you start creating the buyer persona, you will understand where your target audience spends time.

What content are you cooking? The content you cook for your target audience.

Forget promoting your content.

Now, bring that whiteboard from that dark room and plan this,

What content does my target audience love?

What format is popular among my target audience?

What are the types of content that’ll be helpful in their buyer’s Journey?

*Note: Buyer’s Journey is the sales funnel, the sequence of action your target audience takes before converting into a customer.

Resource: What is the buyer’s Journey? Best content types to create?

Where are we? Ah,

The point is to create content that will be helpful to your target audience,

(That solves their,

  • Problem.
  • Pain Points.
  • Desires.
  • Need/wants.)

What is happening there? The Check back analysis.

Set Up this, will you?

Measuring and tracking.

Do you think,

if you don’t know what is happening with the the content you are throwing into the world, you can build a great business?

No, You don’t have the chance.

Before promoting your content,

you must ensure everything is ready to track and measure your effort.


Creating articles for SEO optimization?

Then measuring how it performs in the search engine through analytics is vital, which can tell you critical information to improve your efforts in SEO.

Tip: If you are a beginner, Using Google Analytics to measure your website performance can be helpful.

The concept is simple,

Assume yourself as a scientist, you are planning to experiment, you have the goal in mind, and all the equipment on your hand,

You did the execution; now you need to know whether or not your experiment is a victory?

How will you know?

Through the Indicators like,

The expected change in the chemical compound, or a specific behaviour happening in the minds of animals, etc.

Those indicators let you know if your experiment is a success or not.

If not success?

Why did it happen?

Analyzing the indicators(Data, when it comes to marketing) and execution part will let the scientist know success and the failures.

It is precisely the same with your marketing promotion.

You must measure and track; only then will you have some Idea to improve the process and tug your effort to the destination of success.

(Phew !)

So, Set up the measuring and tracking before promoting your content.

Resource: The two most common methods for tracking digital campaigns.

34 ways to promote your content online

(Includes both Organic and In-Organic efforts).

Please do this before promoting content: Do the keyword research.

Everything you search in the digital space is through keywords.

Keywords are simply the query of your target audience.

Finding what your target audience is searching for is the first spot to creating content and doing the promotion part.

If you create content that your target audience has no demand for,

Do you think you will get the traction?

No, man, no.

Resource: How to do that damn keyword research?

“Yeah it costs, but worth it.” Paid Ads.

Organic reach is shrinking.

Unlike 5-7 years ago, Reaching people without using the ad is like touching your elbow with your tongue.

Paid ads are your go-to weapon to reach your right target audience and attract them to your website and business.

How many types of paid forms of ads are there?

You can also use these recommendation platforms to promote your content on the media and blogs of your choice. E.g., Outbrain, Taboola, nRelate.

*Don’t say, “Ah, Come on !” When faced with the paid ad.

Paid ads are suitable; why?

Because they give you the result for the money you throw into the social media’s mouth.

Alarming Note: If your content is not good and enticing, Paid ads will become your thief, stealing away all the money. (My money! Noo)

Resource: Ultimate Guide to Advertising 2022

“Let’s throw !” Distributing it on social media.

Social distribution is the inevitable practice every business must do in this digital world.

But are you doing your social distribution right?

An inadequate social distribution can take away your money, effort, and time which is too precious to let go.

Follow these basic rules to ensure your social strategy is strong on the base.

  • Know your audience.
  • Find where your audience spends time. E.g., Google, or Twitter.
  • Examine why they are spending time there. E.g., For entertainment or education.
  • Discover what kind of content they consume. E.g., Video, Images.
  • Create a list of Ideas that covers your target audience’s problems, pain points, the keywords.
  • Plan your content creation process.
  • Plan on which media you are going to use. E.g., Twitter, Facebook.
  • Discover how to create content for each media. Every media is not the same; different media need different structures of content.
  • Plan the timing and frequency to post. Finding the best time and frequency is the result of experimenting.

”Hey, why did you forget me? “Don’t forget your employees and friends.

Don’t tell me you know what strategy I said above, but I thought, “Meh! There won’t be any traction using the above people to promote the content.”


Employees and your friends are the priceless gem way to promote your content.

Make your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd circles, and employees the distributors.

Teach them the way to promote, even if you can give them extra benefits or rewards for promoting your content. Do it.

Use them and use them relentlessly.

PS: Only if they know your target audience. Otherwise they will waste their time.

”May I write on your website so I can steal your audience.” The Guest Post writing.

Guest posting is the easiest and the most effective way to get traffic from another website.

What you do here is,

You will write on the other person’s website and steal away some of the traffic that comes to his website by putting a link back to your webpage in the guest post content.

A guest post is a mutual benefit act.

You get traffic, and the other person receives the content.

How to start your guest post writing?

According to Christian Coulson from the zapier.com website, these are the ways,

Organize yourself first.

The first desirable step is to start tracking your guest posting efforts.

To track your efforts,

Here is the format to include in your spreadsheet,

  • Website name
  • URL
  • Moz domain authority (DA)
  • Topics covered
  • Guest post ideas
  • Editor’s name
  • Contact email
  • Contact date
  • Follow-up data
  • Accepted?
  • Date accepted/rejected
  • Post sent date
  • Date published
  • Guest post link

Use the above format to track your guest blogging efforts.

Find the websites looking for guest blogs.

In this step, you must find websites that are ready to accept your guest blog.

The good place to start is Google.

Use these keyword techniques as per Zapier.com to find the guest blogging opportunity,

  • Your keyword + “guest post by”
  • Your keyword + “guest post.”
  • Your keyword + “write for us.”
  • Your keyword + “guest article”
  • Your keyword + “contributing writer.”
  • Your keyword + “contribute to our site.”

Blast the email pitches.

Sending email pitches is the most Important part.

Your email pitch must contain the irresistible value you are giving off to the guest post site.

Make sure to do these before and while writing the email pitches to the guest blogging sites,

  1. Read the guidelines of the guest blogging site.

  2. Read their published content to get a glimpse of their content and the writing style.

  3. Show off your work samples, The previous guest blogs you’ve written, or the blogs you’ve written on your website.

  4. Include the options; write multiple related topics that you can write in that guest blog in your email pitch.

  5. If you are letting them know on what topic you are going to write them the guest post,

Include details of the topic you are going to write.

That helps the guest blog owners to understand the value you are providing them.

Don’t blabber; just give the essentials.

Following this format for writing your guest post will do good,



(Genuinely praise them for any work they’ve done.)


( Here, Tell the person about the topic you can write about and why this topic will be valuable to their website.)


( Then, let them know you will also link to their blog, creating a mutual benefit link building. Or any other value you like to share with the other party.)


( Here, let them know about yourself and your credibility. E.g., The blogs you have written, any books, etc. Adding a link to your work here is good.)


( Then, promise a time scale when you will send the work to them.)



Are you Following up?

Following Up is essential.

To remind him to get back to you, also, to check if the email you sent him reached his Inbox,

Christian Coulson from Zapier.com, “I Like to wait for two weeks before sending a follow-up if it is a small publication.

But for the bigger ones, I’ll leave them alone for four weeks until I make a follow-up.”

Time to smash the keyboard; write the guest post.

Start writing your guest post now, and do these while writing,

1. Follow the guidelines. 2. Replicate the style of the guest post site. 3. Make your writing unique and provide unique value where no one has ever given it. 4. Include Internal Links to their blogs on their site. 5. Check the grammar of your writing. 6. Include Images and creatives.

Then send it to them.

Make sure to reply to the comments falling on your written post

Reference: zapier.com/blog/how-to-guest-blog/

“I don’t need money, buddy; I’ll promote it for you.” Influencer relationship building.

(Let the hands shake for friendship.)

Influencer relationship building.

The primary purpose you build influencer relationships is to collaborate and share mutual benefits.

*It is not an influencer promotion program where you pay them to feature your content on their platform.

It is purely relationship based.

*If you ask whether building a relationship with my influencers leads to free promotion?

No, That’s not the point I am making.

Building a relationship creates trust between you and your influencer.

As Joe Pulizzi, The father of content marketing, says, “If you build genuine relationships with your influencers, then asking for content sharing will no longer feel like a favor.”

After building a relationship with your influencers, you will feel good asking to work together in different ways,


  • Requesting to collaborate and co-create content with you.
  • Asking them to share your valuable content on their platform.
  • Asking for a quote from them for your article.
  • Requesting them to speak at your conference.
  • Asking to be a guest on your platform.
  • Or else, You can gather quotes or inputs on a specific topic for a crowdsourced blog post.
  • Asking them to write a guest blog on your website or you writing on their website.
  • Include them in an expert panel at the Industry event.

There are many other ways you can collaborate with your influencers.

The only thing is,

You need to be helpful to them constantly and provide value to them every time.

In that way, Next time you ask something to them, they do it gladly.

”I love your product, that’s why?” Prompting your customers to promote.

Don’t tell me you forget these people.

Your happy customer is the most prominent Influencer out there you can rely upon without a doubt.

How do you make your customers promote your content?

Ask them. Simple, in a humble tone to promote your content with their network.

Will they say a big no !? I doubt it; they won’t.

Because you have already delighted them with your product, they will be more receptive to sharing your content at this stage.

Other ways to make use of your target audience,

  • User Generated Content.
  • Reward sharing. E.g., Paying a certain sum for your leads or target audience to share your product/service and getting another person to use it.
  • Conducting a competition among your target audience can also further reach your brand among their network.

”Mm, This is hard but worth it.” SEO implementation.

Come on, and I am tired of using this thing in every blog post I write.

As of now, Everyone must’ve known what SEO is?

The job of SEO optimization is so simple.

SEO has a single goal: to rank your web page in the SERPs.

Resource: optinly.com/blog/seo-ranking-factors-to-increase-your-website-ranking/

“What! Does the testing headline lead to good promotion? No way.” Make your headline get shared.

(Really? Headlines? Not the content?)

It might sound new to you.

Headlines can make your content more shareable.

Do you think People share the content because they read it all? Nope.

People share content because of the headline.

According to Brian Dean on his blog, “Longer headlines are correlated with more social shares. Headlines 14-17 words in length generate 76.7% more social shares than short headlines.”

Really?: Result of analyzing 912 million blog posts.

Now, did you understand the power of the headline?

They are the real deal.

Best way to create a great headline that leads to shareability?

Well, That’s the outcome of your experiment.

Have a goal,

create experimentation on the headline, and execute it, collect data.

Find what is working and what is not and apply the result.

”Are you creating these contents?” A popular type of post that gets the most shares.

Believe it or not, not every content gets the same level of sharing among your target audience.

It differs.

What type of posts get the most shares?

  • Long-form posts get more shares. So, Throw that little blog into the gutter. “Headlines 14-17 words in length generate 76.7% more social shares than short headlines.” As per Backlinko.
  • ”Lists posts are shared most on social media. It gets an average of 218% more shares than “how to” posts and 203% more shares than infographics. “According to Backlinko.
  • The Infographics. “A recent study by Unbounce revealed that, in just two years, searches for infographics increased by 800%.”
  • Create some book reviews posts related to your industry. Everyone loves to read books. Creating a review of your industry’s books can attract a lot of traffic. Even Neil Patel created a post on a marketing book review .
  • Make How-to posts. Why? Because these posts promise the readers of some value. That can lead to promotion.

More on: Type of posts that generate organic visitors to your site.

So, From now on, what is your goal?

It is creating content types that have the most chance of shareability.

But, don’t forget other types of content; if it adds value to your reader, create it. Simple.

”What the !” Do something unexpected.

Marketing is all about getting attention.

If you get the attention, you are great to go.

Then, You can find ways to make that attention into money.

No attention? No chance of getting customers.

A heavenly way to get the attention is……….Do something unexpected.

In that way, You disrupt the industry and turn every eyeball towards your business and product.

Which is an excellent form of promotion, right?

Look at this: This Unexpectadness in marketing may get you to chuckle or Laugh hard until your stomach starts hurting.

Create something unexpected; turn the eyeballs towards you.

And get a lasting impression from your target audience.

”Hey, Can I write on your website?” Outreaching people.

Source: instagram.com/p/BkcrU9GFQ4u/?hl=it&taken-by=carlotta_notaro

Outreach is an excellent way to promote your content.

The simple concept here is, You outreach people through mail or website and ask, “Hey, Your blog post looks awesome. Can I write on your website?”

(Well, That’s not the entire picture.)

Outreaching is a form of mutual benefit activity.

You will write content on their website and place a backlink pointing to your webpage,

In return, the other person gets the content for his SEO purpose and his audience without effort.

There are 3 types of Outreach,

Writing content on others’ websites is an excellent way to attract a new audience to your web and landing page.

”Okay, Let’s work together.” BrandScaping.

BrandScaping simply means, “You will work with other brands to produce some great content. “

In his book, The Content Inc, Joe Pulizzi says, “When I first launched my content Inc business, I barely had an audience.

I reached out to a large media company and a large association with the promise to do a research report if they would send it out to their audiences.”

Today That little research project is in its fifteenth year and generated millions in revenue.”

Oh, The powerful way to promote your content and website and a unique way to get traffic.

Resource: Brand scaping book by Andrew Davis in 4 minutes.

”Hey, Help me, experts.” Use HARO.

HARO(Help and Reporter Out) is a site for journalists and reporters looking for expert content sources.

Here the journalists ask for a quote from you (Assuming you are an expert on your topic) regarding any topic; when the journalists get that quote from you,

He will feature that quote on their news piece posts with a backlink.

That fetches traffic to your website and web pages.

”Okay, Here is the answer.” Why not use Quora?

Quora is the best place to become a thought leader among the target audience.

How? By answering the questions of your target audience in your industry.

And, You can help your target audience more by placing a link back to your website.

And, That’s a good promotion of your content.

”Oh, The fact ! I love it.”. Create more primary researched content.

Everyone loves researched content.

It is a research piece.

There is a fact/truth derived from real-world problems.

Also, Research-based content makes you a thought leader in your industry.

That attracts flocks of potential clients to your content,

PS: But, that happens only if you take time to promote it well.

Resource: Why does research-based content matter?

”Click. Click. Click.” Use Copywriting to your advantage.

Have you clicked any content as fast as you glanced at the headline? (Without giving it a single thought?)

(I did)

That’s the power of copywriting, using enticing words to magnet us towards the content.

Using copywriting techniques on your content and headline can get several clicks and shares from your target audience.

Copywriting is mandatory in this cluttered world.

You want to stand out; you want to make your content more attractive than your competitor so that people click and share your content more.

Sometimes, you might’ve clicked a headline that sounds too good to open only to find out the inside content is trash.

Well, That’s what a clickbait headline looks like; you don’t want to use it,

Unless you have great content to back it up. The point is not to avoid using the clickbait headlines but,

Avoid misleading the target audience with trash content.

Resource: 12 Examples of a clickbait headline.

”I haven’t used linked-in like that.” Message to the experts.

(Really? I can use linked-In like that?)

You are using Linked-In but have probably never done this.

Message the top experts with your valuable content and ask them to share it with their network.

Note: Make sure you are in connection with that person and had a good conversation before. Cold messaging barely works.

It promotes your content on the lines of experts and Industry Influencers.

”Slide that way, Slide this way.” Slide Share promotion.

Do you have a blog post now?

Take that blog post, convert it into a slide, and share it in the slide share community.

As of now, slide share has 70 million users around the world.

You can promote any of your content on the slide share. E.g., Gated content, Blog Posts.

It is one of the most underrated platforms marketers use to promote. So, You might have a chance there.

Creating slides and Uploading them into the slide shares will also help you rank in the search engine.

Use the right keywords in your slides title, description, and even in your slide file name, then tags; use keywords inside your slide content too,

“SlideShare can transcribe(Make a written copy) the text in your presentation when you upload. So, it is easy for search engines to find you. "

"Motivation leads to action” Encourage social sharing.

(Encourage your audience to share, and make it simple.)

Whatever content you create, you want to be shared, right?

Then why are you not motivating your target audience to share your content?

We, humans, are the laziest being; whatever looks effortless, we love to do it.

Why not use that tendency to your advantage?

Make it easy.

”Want to create a good habit and make it stick? Make the habit easy to do.” Says James Clear in his book, The atomic Habit.

Make the social sharing part easy.

In that way, you can make your audience promote and share your content.

Methods to follow,

  1. Make the social Icon obvious. Don’t bury it like a serial killer hiding the dead body.

  2. Minimalistic is good. Don’t show multiple social Icons. Show only a few (Which your target audience uses the most). That avoids confusion.

  3. Use Click-To-Tweet Box.

Resource: How to add click-to-tweet box in your blog?

  1. Easy Digestible Infographics.

Even if you use the above methods without failing, you won’t make them share your content,


You provide the CTA. Let the readers know what they should do with your content.

”Hit. Hit. Be consistent. Hit, every day.”

Always write and create content consistently with your target audience and google in mind and share it.

Write. Create. Design. Edit. Share. Be awesome,

Everyday. In that way, you and your business can get into the radar of your target audience.

”What the Pop !” Using Pop-up is not a sin.

You might’ve heard, “Pop-up is the worst sin you can do to annoy your target audience.”

That’s a BIG LIE!

Pop-ups are the worst!

If you use it to annoy your audience without giving them the heart-rushing value.

You can use Pop-up to promote your content, turn leads, and get customers.

You can also ask your target audience to share your content too.

”4-1-1 Go !” Get your Influencer’s notice.


No, it’s not a retirement plan.

But a technique used to get into the radar of your Industry influencers.

I read about this method in Joe Pulizzi’s Book, The Content Tilt. (Must read If you are crazy about marketing).

  1. For every six pieces of content you share on social media, Share four content of your popular influencers relevant to your target audience.

(Yeah, Yeah: You are not sharing your content most of the time; it’s okay; there is a grand prize for this strategy. I’ll let you know now.)

  1. One piece of content that is valuable to your audience.

  2. And then one piece of salesy content. E.g., Offer, Free Trial, etc.

When you consistently share your Influencer’s content, you get their attention.

(And, You will also get the chance to build relationships with your Influencer.)

So, When you do need something from your Influencer,

They will be more likely to say, “Yeah, No problem.”

Cause you shared the influencer’s content and provided them the traffic.

Burning Note: “Do the above practice consistently; only then do you have more chance to succeed. For a month or so.” Says Joe Pulizzi.

”Use it, Don’t waste it.” Repurpose the content.

What relationship exists between content promotion and Repurposing?

For promoting every content, you need to be fast and consistent and provide a variety of content to your target audience in this crowded bus world.

The best way to save time in creating a variety of content is repurposing.

Use one content into many.

Blog Post? Turn that into infographics, videos, Slide Share, Snackable content, and many more.

Your Imagination is the limit here.

”Stand on the expert’s shoulders.” Follow the expert’s website.

You need to learn more to be the best in promoting your content. Do more. And fail more.

And everything starts with learning.

My recommended website to learn more on digital marketing.

*This is purely opinion based.

  1. BackLinko.
  2. Hubspot.
  3. The Tilt.
  4. The content marketing Institute.
  5. Neil Patel.


The best books recommendation for marketing.

That I read word by word,

  1. Digital Marketing for dummies.
  2. Digital Marketing strategy.
  3. Epic content marketing.
  4. The content Inc.
  5. SEO and content marketing.
  6. Everybody writes.
  7. The Personal MBA to know everything about doing business on any spectrum. Digital or Non-Digital.

”Test. Test. Test.” Experimenting is the way.

No matter what you do, the world constantly changes. What works today, Won’t even work tomorrow.

The Uncertainty plays like Crazy.

The best strategy is to… Test and experiment to find what works and what is not working.

The procedure is like this,

  1. Take one goal, the objective that you like to attain.
  2. Create an experiment with Indicators.
  3. Experiment.
  4. Collect the data.
  5. Then analyze, What the data is saying; if it is successful, repeat; if not, Test again.

According to Josh Kaufman in his book the personal MBA, The above procedure is called, The Iteration Cycle.

The faster your Iteration cycle is, the more data you can get and the more Optimization you can do.

Refer: What is the iteration cycle?

Test and find what works best.

”Ding! You got a new email.” Email promotion saves.

You are planning to create great gated content, A book, Or an Ebook.

Before promoting it to the outer world strangers,

Promote it to your email list without gating it.

And ask them to share it with their network. Your email audience will be too glad to do it if it is valuable.

You can do more with promotion with your email audience.

”Woah! Rising.” Find the rising topic.

Creating content on rising topics is the easiest way to get shares.

Rising topics are the topics that are gaining traction and demand from the people.

Creating content on topics like that is an excellent way to satisfy the appetite of your content-hungry target audience.

Use: BuzzSumo, Google Trends or Google Trends alternatives, and social media to identify current trends.

”Thought Leader lives.” Try to become a thought leader.

Who is the thought leader?

(Let me ask Google)

The best way to become a thought leader in your industry is by providing consistent value to your target audience for a long time.

Yeah, It’s a long-term strategy; there is no other way. (If you are starting from scratch).

Or else,

If you are an actual expert in the field, You can share your expertise with your target audience.

Through creating these kinds of posts,

E.g.How did I increase my web traffic by 200% in 1 month?

How do I get 20,000 backlinks in 3 months with this strategy?

Educate what you’ve achieved.

In that way, You can become a go-to resource for your target audience.

“Oh, The news, what does it say?” Press Release.

The press release is an excellent way to reach a new audience.

You might’ve thought, The press release is only for promoting your new product, the Industry news, and some information about your company.

But, for content? Can you promote it through a press release? Of course, you can.

You can promote your content through links placed in between the content.

Make sure you use the anchor text link instead of pasting it as a full HTTP URL.

Note: Not every media allows you to place multiple links in your content. So, Make sure to understand how many links you can put in your press-release content.

Resource: Best Digital PR services.

“Oh, all the experts are here !” Events.

If you are a fan of the Content Marketing Institute, one of the authoritative publishing companies in the world, You might’ve known about the events they conduct.

CMI conducts events, gathering great experts around the world under one roof.

It is one of the precious ways to expose your business to a lot of thought leaders,

You can build great networks through events like this,

And, Why not ask your new friend you got from the events to share your content to his network?

Oh, The promotion in play.

Note: Don’t network to promote your content; being valuable and helpful is the best way to build long-term relationships and promote your content to many places your target audience lives.

“That mic is not working I think.” Webinar.

Webinars are a great way to educate and inspire your target audience.

(Also to promote your content)

While conducting a webinar to your target audience, educate the audience further by placing a link to your content page.

The point is this; You always look for ways to promote your content and your business through every relevant means.

“Ah, The smell of the pages.” Magazine/books.

The magazine/books make a great lead magnet tool.

The best example I have here is, The Content Marketing Institute’s E-Magazine,

The Chief Content Officer.


If you create something like this for your target audience, You can promote your content and business through this magazine content.

The better: If you have the chance to create a physical magazine for your target audience. Then go on with that Idea,

Cause, Physical products get close with your target audience and will make a great impression and trust with your prospects.

“Man, I need to learn more.” Courses.


Hubspot did this best, I believe; their courses with certification is one of the biggest attractions.

And they do this too, Promoting their webpage content between their courses.

That’s a great promotion and one of the smoothest ways to get traffic to your website.

It is the actual snap from the Hubspot digital marketing course,


Can you see how they promoted their content in their resource section?

“Everything is here, yes.” Content Hub.

When you create a great go-to resource spot on the topic that is relevant to you and your target audience,

Your audience will love it.

Because they don’t need to go somewhere to collect everything about the topic.

Take Brian Dean’s Backlinko, for example;


His content marketing hub is a great place to learn everything about content marketing from basic to advanced levels.

Brian Dean says, “In fact, what you’re reading right now is content marketing.

I use this blog (and my YouTube channel) to build my audience with free content.”

See, he is using it to promote his Youtube Channel as well.

”Start. Ready? The action.” Just do it.

Nothing happens without action.

You can learn anything; you can devour as many books as possible,

You can talk about the strategy that looks like a sword coated with golden paint.

If you don’t act on it, Nothing works.

Final Word.

Let’s not waste your time; the final word I will utter is..

Do it. Do it now. Fail. Fail now, Learn from it and evolve, and become a thought leader.

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Organically with GoZen's AI-powered Organic growth platforms. Generate Original & engaging AI content. Turn your traffic into leads. Understand customers. Automate your revenue generation.

Author Bio


His thirst for learning and Implementing new things in business and marketing is limitless. He drinks business courses, eats marketing books, and plucks his hair on solving problems and finding ways in business and marketing stuff. He is a lifetime learner, reader, planner, and executor. In his free time, You can find him planning for his ultimate life goal.

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34 ways to promote your content online: Get traffic, generate leads, and welcome more customers to your business

10X your sales and revenue

Organically with GoZen's AI-powered Organic growth platforms. Generate Original & engaging AI content. Turn your traffic into leads. Understand customers. Automate your revenue generation.

Made With Love

Copyright © 2025 gozen.io

Contact: (551)-277-0046 | [email protected]
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AI-powered platforms to grow your business

  • Content Ai - Create original & high-quality AI content and images easily.
  • Optinly - Build your audience 15X faster with gamified popups.
  • GoZen forms- Create beautiful & conversion-focused online forms, surveys, quizzes, and polls.
  • GoZen growth- Engage and turn your leads into sales and revenue.
email marketing and marketing automationautomated email marketing campaigns

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