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Gamification in E-Learning: Level-Up Engagement

Gamification in E-Learning: Level-Up Engagement

Gayathri V | 5 Min Read

Everybody wants to spend their time sparsely and still manage to attain pleasure through easy tasks. They wish to achieve this in fractions of a second.

They accomplish this through instant gratification with the release of dopamine in their brain, just as they consume content on social media or win a prize in a game.

But imagine using the same function for self-growth such as gamified learning that indirectly affects enjoyment and self-efficacy.

Gamification, using game elements in non-game contexts, motivates engagement and learning. For example, you can Play Free Poker Card Games Online to experience how challenges and rewards enhance participation.

The gamification market is currently valued at $12.7 billion and is bound to increase to $87 billion. Around 3 billion people play games every day. Out of this, the majority are youth belonging to 12-25 years of age.

Being in the prime of their age for cognitive learning, this demographic is often targeted through gamification by helping them achieve their learning goals.

In this article, let’s cull out how you can use gamification for e-learning, especially with our tool - GoZen Engage.

Table of Contents

Gamification in the Learning Landscape

Learners don’t lose to age.

As growth-oriented learning is picking its pace, various techniques are being developed to coordinate to learners’ needs.

Gamification can help learners of all fields (and of all ages) with the main goal of increasing engagement which remains a pressing problem in all markets.

With the gamified learning market valued at billions around the world, Edtech businesses are in for a winning prize as AI and interactive platforms are its future.

Companies and educators leverage this to mainly achieve peak engagement, generate leads, and boost sales. For those seeking additional resources or alternative educational platforms, exploring websites like Khan Academy can provide valuable insights into how digital education can be effectively implemented to enhance learning experiences.

Benefits of Gamification in E-Learning


Microlearning is an educational strategy that provides content in small units so as to avoid fatigue while learning. Gamification aids this by being the best proponent for microlearning content that generates specific learning outcomes. It’s a useful strategy in knowledge retention and interactive methods.

Knowledge base software tools can further enhance this approach by organizing and providing easy access to relevant learning materials.

Additionally, using the best QR code generator can enhance the learning experience by easily linking to resources or interactive content.

Knowledge management tools can further enhance this approach by organizing and providing easy access to relevant learning materials.

Learning has been made accessible with every piece of information received on a single click.

Gamification enhances this type of learning which differs from traditional instructional methods.


It is a great way to utilize the motivation factor: extrinsic and intrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is found in the most common human desire to compete and gain rewards to feel a sense of accomplishment.

It stems from the innate need to take up challenges and practice autonomy. Rewards are a notable factor for extrinsic motivation. Make them happy and recognize them with premium art glass awards.

Sense of Community:

It surpasses traditional methods when it builds a sense of community through interactions and healthy competition with peers.

But it doesn’t function in a one-size-fits-all manner. Games differ according to the learning objective and the desired outcomes.

That’s a reason why there’s a lot of room for creativity and innovation.

Engagement, Growth, and Collaboration:

Gamification in the workspace can help with employee engagement.

80% of workers feel that gamification improved their engagement according to a survey by FinancesOnline. It helps them develop their skills, turn routine tasks more interesting, and collaboratively work well with teams.

Because of better collaboration, it also supports social learning, which essentially means learning from the behavior of others.


Further, studies show that gamified e-learning courses have 70% completion rate than those without it. Gamification encourages learners to persist even through failures and keep trying.

This concept is referred to as the Super Mario Effect by Mark Rober, a former NASA Engineer. It means to carry on until you save the princess while adapting to changing conditions and overcoming challenges, with the failures costing you nothing but to retry.

Strategies and Practices in Implementing Gamification

Decide your goals

Identify your objectives to create gamified situations. This requires you to have a deeper understanding of your target audience and their pain points needing your solutions.

Keeping the learners interested has become a monetized and highly demanded task, only amplified due to gamification.

Learning Path

In the workplace, learning can be transformed into a path with milestones where learners can unlock rewards and recognition upon completion of their goals. Many industries are adopting this strategy to enhance skill development. Medical mentorship programs can also leverage this approach, guiding new healthcare professionals through key competencies with the support of experienced mentors, while tracking progress and celebrating achievements along the way.

This will help develop their skills and for employers to provide effective employee training. Enabling assessments ensures that learners get to keep track of their performance.

The tech giant Cognizant also integrates gamification in its workforce. The CEO suggests -

Levelling System

Edtech founders recommend leveraging the combination of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. He supports using leaderboards to boost competition among peers and reward them for each milestone.

His strategy is to introduce leveling systems with progress bars that will be able to visualize students’ learning journey.

Personalizing Experience

Adaptive learning allows algorithms to tailor learning experiences to an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. 80% of learners feel that gamification enables space for personalized learning that is relevant to their needs.

Experts also suggest delivering the thrill of the game without the element of risk. This will lessen the impact of losing and drive them to continue learning.

How to use AI-powered GoZen Engage for Creating and Implementing Games

GoZen’s new product Engage aims to generate leads, enhance engagement, and boost sales with gamified elements like quizzes, calculators, polls, and games.


  • It offers two ways of creating gamified scenarios for educators to engage their learners.
  • The user-friendly platform has a consortium of templates and an AI-powered tool that generates games based on your inputs.
  • One of the commendable features allows users to seamlessly integrate with other platforms like Mailchimp, Zapier, Mailerlite, and more.
  • Grading and assessment have never been easier with quizzes and tests created using this platform.
  • Generate a shareable link that can be sent to your target audience and embed it on your websites, software, and apps.
  • Use the in-built analytics to check your campaign performance through metrics like clicks, views, and responses.

  • GoZen Engage Benefits

  • One of this tool’s essential features is collecting leads and improving your conversion rate. The leads can be sent to your integrated tools like Mailchimp.
  • Engage can also save you a lot of time with an AI-powered tool that generates your quiz or assessment with one prompt and a brief description.
  • This is achieved at heightened speed, taking seconds to effectuate the results you covet.
  • All of this comes at a reasonable price when compared to competitors.

  • Conclusion

    Gamifying learning using tools like GoZen Engage has proven to increase engagement as one of our clients says,

    “This simple platform has revolutionized my ability to expand email lists, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales.”

    Using it for educational purposes can ensure sustainable growth of the business as well as the learners’ potential with periodical rises in the learning curve.


    How much does gamification cost?

  • Gamification can cost from $0 to $99 if you use the platform called GoZen Engage. Start with our free plan and work up to 4 tiers with additional features like access to templates, multiple workspaces, a number of AI questions, and more. Check out our cost-efficient platform for more details on pricing.

  • Does gamification really work?

  • Yes! Gamifying your websites and software has proven to increase lead generation and engagement rates. However, experts suggest refraining from imposing it on learners, particularly employees, as it may not work in their favor.

  • Is gamification still a thing?

  • Gamification is a highly valued market globally for about 9 billion which is said to grow into 30.7 billion by 2025. It is vast and still expanding into various industries like healthcare, IT, and Banking. Enterprises will innovate gamification further being adaptive to software solutions. The heightened usage of mobile phones and their simple interface will culminate in the growth of mobile-based gamified learning.
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    Author Bio

    Gayathri V
    Gayathri V

    Gayathri has a strong penchant for writing and has been writing marketing content for about a year now. She is deeply motivated by the work she does and aims to bring results to the company through her writing. You can find her in a nook curled up with a book and coffee.

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    Gamification in E-Learning: Level-Up Engagement

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    • Content Ai - Create original & high-quality AI content and images easily.
    • Optinly - Build your audience 15X faster with gamified popups.
    • GoZen forms- Create beautiful & conversion-focused online forms, surveys, quizzes, and polls.
    • GoZen growth- Engage and turn your leads into sales and revenue.
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